Are you up for a challenge?
“A Creative Collaboration”
YSAC Gallery Committee is looking for:
3 individual artists or a 3-artist-team
one photographer or videographer to document the process of the artists
from all media may apply.
stipend (with a grant dependent chance for a larger stipend) awarded to each
the scenario:
3 Artists locked in the gallery for 3 days.
3 large boxes of ‘stuff’ donated from the
community to use in an art installation
3 artist tools they can each bring
3 phone calls= 1 phone call to a friend by each
artist to bring something they’re missing
The challenge: Can
3 Artists, who may or may not have ever met each other before, in 3 Days look
through 3 Boxes of random “stuff” that they have never seen before and come up
with and agree on a plan together and then work together to create an art
installation? We get to find out in November 2014
will be delivered to the artists and camping style sleeping accommodations will
be available at the gallery. Indoor plumbing included.)
A selection committee composed of Ohio-area art professionals will
Deadline: Applications
will be accepted until August 15th.
Applications can be downloaded from:
Or you can pick up an application from the Arts
Council Gallery, 111 Corry St. during Open Gallery Hours-Wednesday-Sunday 1-4