An all day fesitival with "200 booths selling fine arts & crafts, clothing, jewelry, fair trade items, unique gifts, massages and much more, join the international selection of cuisine from Vietnamese shish-kabob to Mexican empanadas to Thai wraps to hot dogs, the Egyptian Breeze Belly Dancers, as well the return of the drumming sounds of Wulf.
Live music will be performed from 12:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., on the front lawn of the Bryan Center on Dayton Street. New to Street Fair is our Beer Garden located adjacent to the Music Festival, featuring 8 beers from which to choose. The music is sponsored by Peach's Grill in Yellow Springs.
The event is free, open to the public, and handicapped accessible. NO PETS will be allowed at Street Fair. Street Fair is sponsored by the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce with support from the Yellow Springs WesBanco Banking Center."
If you would like to see a full listing of events, and how to get a shuttle into town please visit the Chamber of Commerce website.