Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Free lecture tonite: Global Predictions for 2012

Astrologer and new EdenWorld practitioner Josh Hayward will give a free lecture tonite on his global predictions for 2012 and beyond using planetary alignments. The talk takes place at 7 p.m. at EdenWorld, 253 Xenia Avenue.

According to the feature article by Megan Bachman in last week's YS News, "'The awakening of the divine feminine, the collapse of the structures of religion and government, and a re-birth of spiritual healing are some major world changes in store as the planets Pluto and Uranus square off, Neptune enters Pisces and the sun at equinox precesses into Aquarius over the next few years,' Hayward said."

Beginning in August, Hayward and his partner, Esther Lail, a clairvoyant, will offer a series of six-week courses on astrology, tarot and psychic tools. The three in-depth courses will run from the first week of August to the second week of September. "Hayward will teach astrology on Tuesdays and tarot on Thursdays, while Lail's psychic tools course will be on Wednesdays. All run from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at EdenWorld and cost $150," according to the article.

For more information, contact Hayward at jchiron@yahoo.com or (937) 767-1536.