Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Give the Gift of Art (Part 2)

Macro and Close-up Photography with Vince Nobel
February 25, 2012
8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

Award-winning and published photographer Vince Nobel will lead an interactive discussion to explore the intimate side of nature with a one day workshop for macro and close-up photography. This program is designed for beginner to intermediate level photographers with the desire to improve their skills beyond the basics. The main focus will include developing a comprehensive workflow with sound technical and creative aspects to allow for the consistent creation of successful and beautiful images.

Specific areas of discussion will include but not be limited to the following:

Equipment - cameras, macro lenses, tripods, reflectors, diffusers, extension tubes, filters, and best use practices for each.
Lens selection and their various uses.
Camera functions and their creative use in regard to aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.
Composition and lighting techniques for realistic and abstract images. Working with depth of field, background, and selective focus techniques, natural light, and flash
Hands on Photography – Subject matter will be available for you to photograph in areas inside and outside the lodge (weather permitting)
Digital Post Processing of images
Photoshop workflow, camera raw, curves, white balance, cropping, print output, file security and backup.
Additional review of Nik Software, Helicon Focus, and Carbon Copy Cloner.
The overall the goal will be to learn and have fun! Photography is a true art form and a life long process of exploration and learning.

Requirements: Digital SLR Camera or advanced point-and-shoot camera with manual functions required. A tripod is highly recommended. A basic understanding of manual camera functions to include: aperture, shutter speed, iso, and white balance.

Please contact Vince to register or with any questions you may have – 614-378-9511 or

Registration mailing address: (call or email prior to mailing)
Vincent Nobel
221 Letchworth Ave
Columbus, OH 43204

Macro and Close-up Photography
February 25, 2012 – Dayton Area
Date: February 25, 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 8:30 am – 4:00pm
Location: Glen Helen Nature Preserve – Glen Helen Auditorium.
405 Corry Street, Yellow Springs, OH 45387
direction link –

Class Limit: 20 People
$69 Glen Helen Members (save $20)
$89 Non Glen Helen Member

Pricing is per individual participant. Additional expenses including travel will be determined only if necessary.

Click here to read a previous "Give the Gift of Art" suggestion: Create a Pure Silver Domed Pendant, a January 14, 2012 workshop at Springs Gallery.