Friday, October 7, 2011

Free Patent Workshop at WSU

Learn basic information about patents at free WSU workshop

Working on an idea for a new product but don't know where to begin? The
Wright State University Libraries are helping the beginning inventor
learn the steps that are needed to receive a patent for their idea. This
free patent workshop will be held October 15th, 10:00am to 12:30pm in
Room 241 of the Paul Laurence Dunbar Library, main campus of Wright State.

Designed for the novice inventor, the workshop offers basic patent
information and search techniques for using the United States Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO) Web site and other databases. Literature from
the USPTO will also be distributed during the workshop.

Wright State's library is a U.S. Patent and Trademark Depository Library
and houses one of the most powerful patent searching tools, PubWEST,
Web-based Examiner Search Tool.

Seating for the workshop is limited. Register online at contact Ran
Raider government and legal information coordinator for the University
Libraries, at or by calling (937) 775-3521.

Ran Raider
Government and Legal Information Coordinator
Representative for the USPTO Patent and Trademark Resource Center
Paul Laurence Dunbar Library, Rm. 228
Wright State University Libraries
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy.
Dayton, OH 45435

Earl Gregorich, CBA
Lead Center Director, District 4
Ohio Small Business Development Center
Wright State University