We are doing it again! This time, we have 3 artists that applied as a team (last year, the artists met for the first time the day before they were locked in). Wonder what will happen?
3 Artists, locked in the gallery for 3 days, 3 boxes of ‘stuff’ donated from the community to use in an art installation, 3 tools they can each bring with them, and 3 phone calls among them to call for a friend to bring something for them to use in the piece. Plus one Camera Artist to capture it all.
So start plotting...what would you like to see the artists work with? There are 3 boxes waiting at the YSAC Gallery to hold your “stuff” for the Locked In Artists to use in November. The Gallery is open Wednesday–Sunday 1-4 (with the exception of October 14-16, while we hang a new show).
November 9th, 10th and 11th the artists will be locked in and creating like mad. They'll need fuel! You can be an integral part of the process by making breakfast, lunch or dinner for 3 and bringing it to them on one of the days. It's a grand way to get a peek at what's going on and to be part of the creative energy that will be percolating.
Contact Nancy Mellon at
nancymellon.jafa (at) gmail.com or 767-1366 to pick out your day and time.