
Friday, April 27, 2012

"And, The Winner Is..."

(Pictured above is "Home Grown" by Jami Miles, receiving First Place in the 2012 YSAC YS High School Senior Awards.)<BR><BR>

The First Annual Yellow Springs Schools Art Gala was a great success.  With hundreds of friends, family and folks in attendance, local students were able to prominently display their art.  Each student contributed a work of art to the show, and the images are stunning!<BR><BR>

The Yellow Springs Arts Council annually awards outstanding art work from YSHS Seniors, with three cash prizes given to students.  Jami Miles won First Place for her photograph "Home Grown," Second Place went to Sami Worsham for the graphic design piece "Black and Gold," and Sady Sparks received Third Place for her portrait titled, "Argument."  Of course, all YS students were winners this year as indicated by the highly positive critiques from attendees and judges.  Check out for more pictures of our youth's notable artistic endeavors!