
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Arts Council Needs YOUR Support

The Yellow Springs Arts Council has been operating a Multi-Arts Gallery since 2008. 
Supported by grant funding, the Gallery operation is one of our signature programs
(in addition to Yellow Springs Experience events).
It is a social purpose enterprise, encouraging regional artists to fulfill their visions
and enhance professional skills through the exhibition/performance process. 

Thanks to grant funding for this year, we have moved to a 
wheelchair-accessible first floor location at 111 Corry Street
which will officially open on Friday, April 20.
We're excited that it offers a gallery exhibition area,
as well as a small performance space!

We need your help to maintain our Gallery beyond 2012!

Our Matching Rent Campaign Goal is $9000 per year...or $750 per month. 
A donation has already been received for January 2013's rent! 
Will you help us pay the rent for the rest of 2013
with a tax-deductible donation?

Ditto for 2014? 

You can donate online:

Or donate by mail:
YS Arts Council
P.O. Box 459 
Yellow Springs, OH 45387