
Monday, October 17, 2011

TLT presents: Will Allen of Growing Power

November 5, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Food Power: How Local Growers Can Change Our Economy and the Way We Eat

Featuring Will Allen of Growing Power
Fairborn High School
900 East Dayton-Yellow Springs Road
Fairborn, OH 45324

Registration is now open for this all day summit that will focus on developing our local economy with food based production and how what we eat matters. The conference will pull together innovative growers, food policy advocates, “farm to school” pioneers, community gardeners, and food distribution experts.
Location: Fairborn High School, near I-675, is hosting the event, organized by Tecumseh Land Trust.

After a keynote address by Mr. Allen about his urban agriculture organization in Milwaukee called Growing Power, there will be breakout sessions on community gardening, food distribution systems and opportunities, how to influence food policy and much more!

Cost: $25 which includes lunch. Visit or call 767-9490 to register.