
Monday, October 24, 2011

Horror Marathon aftermath

This weekend's Horror Marathon wrap-up from Little Art Theatre Executive Director Jenny Cowperthwaite-Ruka:

"A profound thank you to Zack McGhee who not only conceived of, programmed and organized our Horror Marathons these past 5 years but has also been the projectionist for the entire 12 hours. Zack also staffed the marathon each year with great volunteers including his partner Tony Black and their good friends Carrie Landers, Cindy Lindsay, Jared Ream and Hillary McNabb. A hail and hearty thank you to you all for such dedicated service! We had 115 marathon goers this year - I hope everyone has caught up on their sleep!"

Zack McGhee

Click here to read fun behind-the-scenes blog account of the event by Zack.

Photos by Carrie Landers