
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Board Elections for Arts Council

Please click on the link here
to see a list of short biographies of the Nominees.

Dear YS Arts Council Members,

The next YS Arts Council meeting is this Thursday, June 12 at 7pm in the Art Space at 108 Dayton St. This will be a very exciting meeting. All members are invited to vote on the slate of individuals compiled through the nomination process by the YS Arts Council Nominating Committee. If your membership has lapsed or you’re not yet a member, this is a great meeting to renew or join (current dues--Artist $15, Individual $20, Family $30, Patron $50).

After the vote there will be some general business and discussion about the direction of Arts Council “Open Session” meetings. Remember, Arts Council Open Session meetings are always the second Thursday of the month at 7pm. Thanks for your involvement with YSAC. Hope to see you Thursday!